Crimes in the ER - Fact and Fiction

Episode 1: John Lennon’s Been Shot!

Louisa Burns-Bisogno & Saundra Shohen Season 1 Episode 1

Episode 1: John Lennon’s Been Shot! tells the exciting story of the immediate chaotic aftermath of John Lennon's murder and the life-altering effect it has on the ER Administrator, Annie Roling. VigilAnnie becomes a true vigilante.

Except for the names of known public figures mentioned in this podcast, all of the characters are entirely fictitious. Any resemblance between the characters in this series, except for recognized public figures, and any actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

Written by:  Louisa Burns-Bisogno & Saundra Shohen
Story by: Louisa Burns-Bisogno & Saundra Shohen
Producer-Director: Louisa Burns-Bisogno
Executive Producer: Saundra Shohen
Sound Engineer: Michael Schmitt
Editor: Michael Schmitt

Louisa Burns Bisogno:
Jeanie Dalton: Annie
Paulette Dalton Thompson: Rosie
Chauncey Allen: Dr Dan Cameron
Margo McKee: Helen, Neighbor
Cory Scott: Ben, Morgue van driver, Cub Reporter
Jacob Harran: Sgt Mendoza, Publisher, Detective Hogan
Anthony DePoto: Dr Flores, Peter, Lawyer
Patricia Angelin: Laura, Mrs Wolf, ER Tech
Rebecca Rabinowitz: Triage Nurse, Dispatcher
Rose Bisogno: Ellen, M.E. Operator, Girlfriend
Manuela Metri: Nurse Maria
Elijah Carbone: Billy, Medical Examiner

"Day of Recon" by Max Surla/Media Right Productions
"Casual Desire" by Ugonna Onyekwe
"Beyond the Lows" by The Whole Other
"Dark Toys" by SYBS
"Pink Horizon" by Chris Haugen

 Sound Effects
"Touchtone phone dialing" by Michael Schmitt
"Touchtone phone hanging up" by Michael Schmitt
"Touchtone phone Click" by Michael Schmitt
"Gun Fire" by GoodSoundForYou of
"Click2 Sound" by Sebastian of
"Intercom Buzzer" by benwer of
"Ambience, Large Crowd, A.wav" by InspectorJ of
"Vintage Telephone Hanging Up" by crz1990 of
"Crowd shock" by Adam_N of
"Telephone Ring Sound" by transitking of
"Phone Slam with Ring" by MootMcnoodles of
"Ambient Cafeteria" by enrikapoll of
"Elevator Ding" by lmbubec of
"Door, Wooden, Close, A (H1).wav" by InspectorJ

NEW YORK THE NIGHT OF DECEMBER, 8, 1980 After a long, exhausting session in the OFF-BROADWAY recording studio…they get into their limo. It weaves through traffic. Then, passes Lincoln Center…brightly decorated for the Holiday Season. BLOCKS AWAY on West 72 street…a small crowd of anxious fans gather at the entrance to the famous Dakota Apartments. While Building Security look on, teenagers fiddle with their Polaroid cameras. A ‘Reporter’ readies his notebook. An intense man, MARK DAVID CHAPMAN, sits on the curb holding a copy of "Catcher in the Rye”. His heavy breathing belies his casual attitude. His breath quickens and he scrambles to his feet when he sees the limo turning the corner and heading toward the Dakota. FANS Lennon! / John's here! As the limo pulls into the Dakota’s driveway, the crowd presses forward to see the icon of the age. The limo door opens. JOHN LENNON emerges from the back seat… in his stocking feet. He’s smiling. The TEENS jockey for position near the limo. Just behind them is CHAPMAN inching forward. As an elated TEENAGER focuses her camera. A hand comes up between her and her friend. It holds a gun. Flash of the camera...then… Flash of gunshot Four more rapid shots! All hell breaks loose. BUILDING SECURITY rush forward. 2 FANS are screaming, wailing, and forming a wall around the fallen Lennon. Siren blasting, a New York Police car races down the street toward the scene. SIREN and SCREAMS MERGE INTO A DEAFENING BLARE... THEN SLOWLY SEGUE INTO THE MELLOW BEATLES' SONG... "NORWEGIAN WOOD.” In ANNIE'S BEDROOM blocks away from the Dakota... "Norwegian Wood" plays on the stereo as attractive, thirty something ANNIE ROLING and BEN CONTI, a ruggedly handsome blue collar guy are locked in a passionate embrace. BEN Marry me Annie. INTERCOM interrupts. ANNIE Must be Rosie! CLICK of the intercom. ANNIE (cont.) Rosie? ROSIE Yup! It's me. ANNIE Forget your key? ROSIE Giving you guys time to get decent. ANNIE Ben! Get decent! 3 The elevator doors open revealing adolescent ROSIE. She carries a rolled up souvenir poster. ROSIE A gift. For your new office at the Hospital. ANNIE A souvenir of "The Nutcracker.” Nice! What did I pay for it? BEN Hey Kiddo! ROSIE (Eyeing the remains of dinner) How was your celebration dinner? BEN Delicious. But we didn’t get to dessert. ANNIE (Stacking dirty dishes) A fitting farewell to social services. Hello to my new life. My own office. “Administrator of the ER”. I can’t wait. Don’t make me late Rosie. Put away you’re ballet stuff and I’ll wash the dishes. ANNIE exits to the kitchen as ROSIE sidles close to BEN. ROSIE She can’t hear now. So tell me. BEN I saved you the wishbone. ROSIE You know what I’m wishing for. 4 BEN You came home a little too early. BEN pulls a box from his pocket revealing an engagement ring. ROSIE Mom better say yes. A POLICE CAR SIREN. Cars and trucks pull over as the police car speeds past. While one Cop drives-- in the back seat, the second cop desperately ministers to bloodied, still conscious LENNON. AT ROOSEVELT HOSPITAL… The police car pulls into the ambulance courtyard. The ER’s double doors fly open and middle aged RN, HELEN, and several ER personnel rush out with a gurney. The cop removes LENNON from the back of the squad car, carries him over his shoulder. Blood gushes from JOHN's mouth. Low background hospital sound. IN THE CODE ROOM… Suave DR. DAN CAMERON pulls on his mask. He joins DR. FLORES ministering to LENNON. DR.CAMERON Major organ damage. HELEN (awed) Oh God! Know who he is? DR. FLORES A DOA, but we’11 try to bring him back. HELEN You gotta. He’s Lennon. DR. CAMERON It is Lennon! Quick Helen! Get Parker. This place'11 be a madhouse when word gets out. 5 HELEN Parker retired. Friday was his last day. The new Admin.starts tomorrow. DR.FLORES Get him! Now! Four blocks away…IN ANNIE’S APARTMENT… BEEPER GOES OFF. BEN Ignore it Annie! Anyone who calls after ten should be shot. ANNIE It's the hospital. I have to call in. (dials bedside phone) Anne Roling here - you paged me? (Shocked, blurts) Oh God…I'm on my way. BEN What the hell…? ANNIE John Lennon's been shot! ROSIE What's wrong Mom? ANNIE They need me in the E.R. ROSIE What about Ben? What about me? We need you! THE STREET IS DARK as ANNIE runs from her apartment house, past chained up store windows, past the homeless in doorways. ANNIE races down the dark streets, sprints across the avenue, dodges a taxi. 6 Out of breath she confronts the traffic jam of media vans converging on the hospital. The red neon sign"EMERGENCY" looms ahead... Chaos in the ambulance courtyard as TV network crews set up equipment. Reporters and photographers jockey for better positions. People are coming from every direction blocking the E.R. entrance. ANNIE struggles to get through the crowd. Her desperation gives birth to determination. Flashing her ID badge high over her head. ANNIE Guard ! Guard! I work here. GUARD How come I never seen you before? ANNIE I was in Social Services. This is my first night in ER. (top of her lungs) Look at my damn ID! Look! The GUARD waves ANNIE forward. BUT her path is blocked by a confused, homeless man in filthy rags and shabby sneakers. NOWHERE MAN (hums) “Nowhere Man…from a Nowhere Land…” ANNIE (cont.) Move over ! Mooove ! Annie gingerly goes around him. INSIDE THE ER CODE ROOM. DR. CAMERON, DR. FLORES and the ER staff work feverishly in a valiant effort to resuscitate LENNON. Security Guard MENDOZA, the two cops and DETECTIVE HOGAN look on. Charge Nurse HELEN guards the closed door. 7 ANNIE pushes the door open slightly, HELEN moves aside to admit her. ANNIE (A whisper to HELEN) How bad is it? HELEN (Whispers) Bad as it gets. DR. FLORES (To CAMERON) He’s bleeding out! DR. CAMERON I'll do a thoracotomy. ANNIE (Aside to HELEN, shocked) Oh God! He's got John's heart in his hand! HELEN It's a Hail Mary pass. ANNIE sags against the wall. HELEN draws her out of the room. HELEN (cont.) (barks orders) No street clothes in the ER. Get your white jacket. from the linen closet, Ms. Roling. ANNIE Please call me Annie. HELEN Helluva start for you Annie. But you're in the pool. You gotta swim! ANNIE I don’t know if I can. 8 HELEN Don't give me "If I can" crap. That may be Lennon in there, but lots of other patients here need our help, too. (firmly but supportively) Get to it. No! Wait! Your key. It opens that cabinet. If President Carter’s in the City and needs medical care… ANNIE Is he? HELEN Not tonight. But we keep the President’s updated medical records under lock and key here. Just in case, God forbid, anything happens. Assassination, nuclear war, food poisoning. Even when the President flies over New York we're put on alert. (handing ANNIE the keys) Here's the key. Now you're in charge. ANNIE Not for long. I'm getting married. Probably moving to Long Island. HELEN Congratulations! Meanwhile, the United States of America depends on you. ANNIE On Me? I’m thrown completely. John Lennon's so special. He represents my generation. 9 HELEN Mine. too. We didn't even know it was him till we saw Yoko Ono. She's in that room over there. ANNIE She deserves her privacy. ANNIE hurries past the private room, past a gurney with a knifing victim... past a thrashing, violent ADDICT with the DTs being restrained by two AIDES. On the next gurney, a CHILD cries in terror as NURSE MARIA examines her. ANNIE (cont.) (To Nurse) Why's this child next to him? NURSE MARIA They'11 be moving her soon. To OR for an appendectomy. ANNIE Move her now. NURSE MARIA (Snaps) Where? We’re jammed! ANNIE Find a place ! NURSE MARIA Who are you anyway? ANNIE Annie Roling. The new Administrator. `NURSE MARIA I’m Maria. RN. As MARIA prepares to move the child, ANNIE’s attention goes to a CUB REPORTER. He forces his way from the Waiting Room into ER. THE TRIAGE NURSE blocks his entry. 10 TRIAGE NURSE You can’t go in there. CUB REPORTER (Disdainful, challenging) No way I’m missing out on the story of the century. ANNIE Stay in the Waiting Room till you're called! CUB REPORTER But I’m a relative of John Lennon. ANNIE You have ID? CUB REPORTER Gimme a break lady. SGT MENDOZA No ID? Move it! Outta here! CUB-REPORTER Just tell me. Is he…is Lennon still alive? ANNIE Out! CUB REPORTER defiantly goes to the wall phone. and dials a number. CUB-REPORTER Hey Ralphie. Don’t bust my balls. Security’s tight with this Lennon mishagas. (PAUSE) Yeah, yeah I’ll make sure he’s gone. ANNIE’s attention goes to a frail, elderly woman, MRS. WOLF. She’s being helped into the Waiting Room by her NEIGHBOR. 11 ANNIE Please help that woman. TRIAGE NURSE We'11 put her at the top of the list. ANNIE reenters the Nurses Station as HELEN transfers a suffering PATIENT from wheelchair to gurney. The PATIENT'S GIRLFRIEND, MAUREEN looks on tearfully. GIRLFRIEND Please, give him something. HELEN Soon as we get him to his room. ANNIE He's in agony. HELEN Gay related immune deficiency. We’re seeing it more every day. But he's not gay. She’s his girlfriend. ANNIE It's the mystery disease. HELEN This poor guy's been here before. I thought last time would be his last time. He's riddled with Kaposi Sarcoma. SGT. MENDOZA Ms Roling! Heart attack’s on the way in. But the crowd and TV crews are blocking the ramp. ANNIE The police have to unblock it! She DIALS 12 ANNIE (cont.) This is the Administrator of the ER at Roosevelt. It's a mob scene since John Lennon was brought in. We need police to clear the ambulance ramp. POLICE DISPATCHER VOICE They’re all up at the Dakota. The city's gone crazy. We’11 send backup when we can. ANNIE We’re on our own. ANNIE rushes to the ER entrance followed by MENDOZA. As they pass the Code Room, ANNIE is stunned to see DR. CAMERON pulling off his mask. ANNIE (cont.) (Stunned – bitter) Cameron! I don’t believe it! The Code Room door closes. ANNIE continues to the ER ramp. It’s packed with networks, press, cameras and mikes. SFX CROWD ANNIE ( struggling for control) You can’t block this yard. Clear the way! I realize the newsworthiness of this terrible event. I understand media's responsibility to the public. (determined) But it's dangerous to block this courtyard. We have emergency vehicles coming in. Please clear it! Clear it now! As the media starts to back away, a very solemn HELEN come to ANNIE. She whispers. ANNIE stares at the sea of burning candles. She signals for silence. 13 ANNIE John Lennon was brought into our Emergency Room shortly before 11PM. He had multiple gunshot wounds to his upper chest and left arm. Our attempts to revive him were …unsuccessful. (struggling not to cry) John Lennon was pronounced dead at approximately 11:15 PM. Weeping, moaning fans react. ANNIE wipes her own tears away as she reenters the E.R. and follows HELEN into the Code Room. She sees Lennon’s greying, lifeless body and ....THE PILE OF BLOODIED CLOTHES AT THE FOOT OF THE EXAM TABLE.. DR. CAMERON is sketching a crude drawing of the wounds for the ER record The cops and Detective Hogan look over his shoulder. ANNIE We have to make sure John's clothes are bagged. HELEN Evidence. DETECTIVE HOGAN For the investigation. ANNIE And for his family. HELEN What a cross this is for them! DR. CAMERON (Looking up from ER sheet) Five bullets fired. Five entry points. But only four bullets recovered. ANNIE What does that mean? 14 DR.CAMERON Doesn't add up. One bullet is missing. Anne! What the hell are you doing here? HELEN Ms. Roling's our new Administrator. DR. CAMERON Shit! Just what I need. HELEN (changing the subject fast) Lennon’s clothes…we'11 move them with the body. DR. CAMERON (Sharply to ANNIE) Ms Roling? Have you notified the Chief Medical Examiner? ANNIE Am I supposed to? DR. CAMERON What's this amateur night? ANNIE I'll do it! But there's something I have to do first. DR. CAMERON Take Administration 101. Smarting at the insult, ANNIE quickly exits. Helen’s right behind her. HELEN Annie…what the hell is it between you and Cameron? ANNIE Nothing! Not for a long time. 15 MENDOZA (Loudly announcing) Cardiac arrest coming in! ANNIE Take him to Trauma. There’s a mad dash of ER personnel to a white haired old man being wheeled in. In the confusion no one notices that the ragged homeless MAN is sneaking into the E.R DETECTIVE HOGAN exits the CODE ROOM. He is hiding something under his jacket. DETECTIVE HOGAN Bet you've seen it all, Helen. HELEN You know Hogan, just when I think I have seen it all, something like this blows me away. DETECTIVE HOGAN I was driving home to Queens when I heard Howard Kosell interrupt the football game with news of the shooting. Turned back. OK if I grab java. HELEN Cafeteria’s open 24/7. ANNIE Yes, go. Security has the room. Helen. I've just arranged to sneak Yoko out a side door. She wants to tell their little boy Sean herself before the vultures descend. I’m waiting for a call back from his son Julian in England. But right 16 ANNIE (cont/) now, I'11 contact the Chief Medical Examiner. HELEN Good girl! INSIDE THE TRAUMA ROOM…DR.CAMERON assists DR. FLORES with the deteriorating old man. ANNIE appears at the door. EMT Pulse weak. Irregular 120. Diaphoretic! Cyanotic. Sinus tach. DR. CAMERON What's the rest of the story? HELEN Naked under his coat. No ID. Only a Miraculous Medal. ANNIE So we know he’s Catholic. Sir! Sir! What’s your name? The old man stares up at ANNIE. He waves his hands again and again. He brings them down over his heart and then goes limp. ANNIE (cont.) Poor guy. He’s a John Doe. DR. CAMERON The guy’s bleeding from his ear. DR. FLORES Heart attack. Fell. Fractured his skull. INTERCOM VOICE Dr. Cameron to the ER Waiting Room. Dr. Cameron to the Waiting Room. 17 DR. CAMERON Jeeez. Lousy timing. DR. FLORES Doe’s fading fast. ANNIE exits Trauma and comes beside NURSE MARIA as she moves the GRID PATIENT toward the elevator. ANNIE If we can help you in any way, sir. GIRLFRIEND Thank you, Miss… ANNIE Just ask for Ms.Roling in E.R.. BILLY (With short breath) Go home, Hun. (GASP) Get some rest. MAUREEN (hanging on by a thread) No Billy! I'm staying with you. The Doctor said it’s ok in special cases. BILLY I'm special alright. (GASP) Got a fag disease. How the hell did this happen? Immaculate injection? (GASP) You gotta regret… MAUREEN Actually, I do have one regret - we never got married. BILLY I regret not asking. MAUREEN That a belated proposal? 18 BILLY Get real Maureen! MAUREEN (almost a plea) Billy, this is as real as it'11 ever get for us. We can get a priest. They're always on call. BILLY For Last Rites. ANNIE feels the lovers’ heartache. She turns and sees DR. CAMERON hurrying to the Waiting Room. Unable to resist the impulse...ANNIE follows CAMERON. IN THE Waiting Room, CAMERON approaches LAURA, a beautiful, sophisticated woman in a lush white mink coat. DR. CAMERON (Annoyed) Laura, what are you doing here? LAURA I was supposed to meet you here after the ballet. They expect us at the Plaza. Remember? DR.CAMERON I completely forgot. LAURA Understandable. I heard about John Lennon. Absolutely tragic. But we can still make the party. Barishnakov will be there. DR. CAMERON You’ve got to be kidding! I can't leave now. LAURA But I've been waiting an hour. And you did bring your tux to change. You need cheering up 19 DR. CAMERON (Sharply interrupting) The hell with me! The poor bastard's been murdered. CAMERON leaves a petulant passing ANNIE without a glance. He’s also unaware of the CUB REPORTER pretending to take notes. ANNIE's attention goes from exiting Laura to elderly MRS. WOLF, grasping her purse, waiting with her NEIGHBOR. NEIGHBOR When’s Mrs. Wolf getting help? ANNIE (To TRIAGE NURSE) Let's get her inside. TRIAGE NURSE She's as inside as we can get her now. NEIGHBOR ‘Least it’s warm. She's got no heat in her place. Near froze to death. Hasn’t been eating. So I brung her here. I'd a taken her in but I got three kids in one bedroom and a toilet that hardly works. ANNIE You were right to bring her here. TRIAGE NURSE I’ve got this Ms. Roling. ANNIE I'11 be in my office if you need me. 20 The CUB REPORTER follows ANNIE into the ER but she blocks the way. She continues to the door marked "ER Administrator”. As Annie enters… NOWHERE MAN (singing low) “I am just a nowhere man...Living in this nowhere land.” The singing seems to be coming from her office lavatory. She’s about to open the lav door… desk phone rings. ANNIE Anne Roling here. ANSWERING SERVICE You called the Medical Examiner? ANNIE Yes. May I speak to him? ANSWERING SERVICE Offices are closed. ANNIE I KNOW he's not in his office at this hour. Page him please. ANSWERING SERVICE Leave a message. He'll get back to you in the morning. ANNIE This can't wait! Call him at home. Tell him the ER Administrator at Roosevelt needs to speak with him about a murder victim. ANSWERING SERVICE Would that be John Lennon? 21 ANNIE You've got it. Tell the Chief to call me asap. ANNIE hangs up. NOWHERE MAN "I AM JUST A NOWHERE MAN…" Annie is about to open her lav door… SGT. MENDOZA (loudly) Stop! Wanna end up in jail !? Annie rushes into the hall where MENDOZA has a tight hold on the CUB REPORTER. CUB REPORTER Lennon's dead. So what difference does it make if I see…? ANNIE This is your last warning. Leave the ER. Now! Get briefings in the lobby. CUB REPORTER I need a Doctor. This jerk hurt my arm SGT. MENDOZA You could hurt worse. ANNIE Sargeant, Mr. Davis is "Press" Please take him to the lobby. CUB REPORTER I can take myself. SGT. MENDOZA I’ll escort you. 22 ANNIE And you’ll get your story. CUB REPORTER Whoopdedo. Will you marry me? ANNIE That's the second proposal I've had tonight. HELEN ANNIE! You're needed on the ambulance ramp. OUTSIDE THE ER… the sea of candles continues to glow in the dark. A van with loudspeakers plays BEATLES MUSIC. INSIDE THE ER Helen beckons Annie to the NURSES STATION HELEN Have you notified the morgue? ANNIE Yes. We'11 have to get Lennon out of the hospital secretly. Or fans will pull every hair from his head for keepsakes. HELEN First things first. What did the Chief M. E. say? ANNIE (defensively) I left a message with his service... HELEN No cigar! ANNIE Do I break down his door and drag him out of bed? HELEN If that's what it takes. 23 Dials out ANNIE Yeah, me again! Do I have to break down his door and drag the M.E. out of bed. Or do you connect me now? Connection is made. CHIEF MEDICAL EXAMINER You're calling about John Lennon? ANNIE Yes Doctor. His body's ready to be sent to the morgue. CHIEF MEDICAL EXAMINER Lennon’s not going anywhere till I examine him. I'm on my way. The phone clicks off. ANNIE puts down the receiver and collapses into her chair. She looks up lovingly at the photo collage on the wall. – pictures of Rosie as a toddler… Kindergarten graduate… an adolescent ballet dancer. ANNIE Oh, Rosie, I want what's right for you. And for me. ANNIE dials out. BEN Hello. ANNIE Hi Ben. Thanks for staying with Rosie BEN How's it going? 24 ANNIE I’m surviving. Barely. How's my girl? BEN Wired. Worried. She's right here... ROSIE Mom…did you see John? ANNIE He’s at peace. NOWHERE (singing) "I am just a Nowhere Man... " ANNIE Gotta go, Rosie! Love you! ANNIE opens the door to private lav. She flicks on the light. ANNIE Oh God! "NOWHERE MAN" stands naked in the shower which is not turned on. He shrinks in terror of ANNIE. ANNIE (Taking command) Who the hell are you? What are you doing here? NOWHERE MAN cowers in fear and slinks to the floor.. ANNIE (cont.) (screaming) Out! This is my office. My shower. (yell) Mendoza! Come! Help! MENDOZA, comes running toward ANNIE' s office ANNIE It's crazy in here. Look! 25 SGT. MENDOZA It's crazy out there. Oh, Nowhere. How you doin’ tonight? ANNIE You know him? SGT. MENDOZA Nowhere’s a regular. ANNIE I should've guessed. SGT. MENDOZA He shows up when the dirt's so thick he can't unzip his fly. ANNIE (Grimacing.) What now? SGT. MENDOZA Helen gives him a Qwe11 shower. Clothes from Lost and Found. Some fabulous hospital food. Then we send him on his way. ANNIE (disbelieving) A mini—vacation from the streets? ANNIE (She's had it) Sorry Nowhere. No vacancies at Roosevelt Hotel tonight. SGT. MENDOZA He doesn't respond to sarcasm. 26 ANNIE (Softer - to NOWHERE Got it. Sorry Nowhere, too much is going on. John Lennon’s been shot. NOWHERE MAN reacts with a start. He faces ANNIE in all his nakedness. Tears falls. ANNIE (cont.) We all feel bad. But could you wrap yourself in a towel? SGT. MENDOZA C’mon Nowhere. Here’s a towel. Let’s find Helen. SFX: DESK PHONE RINGS ANNIE It never stops ringing. PUBLISHER ER Administrator please. ANNIE Speaking. PUBLISHER I'm prepared to offer $100,000 for a photocopy of Lennon's ER info. $100,000 for YOU personally. ANNIE Lennon's ER sheet? Who are…? PUBLISHER (OVER) I represent the Global Inquiry… ANNIE (Interrupting angrily) You think I'd sell hospital records? Here's my answer bud... 27 ANNIE SLAMS THE PHONE DOWN HELEN Am I interrupting something? ANNIE I don't believe this Helen. Lennon’s body's isn’t cold and some rag wants a photocopy of his ER report. HELEN Sure. They want to see the sketch of the bullet holes. ANNIE (Disgusted) Is this what my job's about? Fighting off ghouls? HELEN Sometimes. Where’s Nowhere? ANNIE Mendoza has NOWHERE. They’re looking for you. As HELEN exits a young LAWYER enters. LAWYER You in charge? ANNIE Yes. I'm Ms. Roling. LAWYER I’m Ted O' Hara from Legal Aid. I tried to call. Got a busy signal two hours straight. ANNIE (Incredulous) So you came? What could be that important in the middle of the night? 28 LAWYER My client. The DA claims he was committing armed robbery when he was actually in your ER. ANNIE Soooo? LAWYER If you could give me a copy of his medical record, my guy will have an airtight alibi. ANNIE When do you need it? LAWYER We're in court in six hours. Nine AM. ANNIE Are you nuts? Do you come from another planet? Don't you know what's going on in this E.R. tonight? LAWYER I know but my guy was drunk, drugged out of his skull. Only remembered his alibi tonight. Please find his file. Otherwise he’ll get 15 to 25. ANNIE Give me his name. The date he says he was here. No promises Ted. But I’ll try. LAWYER Eddie…Edward Bowen. He was here on November 7th around midnight. I appreciate this. I'11 be waiting in the lobby. 29 ANNIE You and the rest of the world. Nurse Maria appears at her door. NURSE MARIA Mrs. Roling! We need help. That old lady Mrs. Wolf. She wants to leave. ANNIE What was the Doctor's diagnosis? NURSE MARIA She needs tender loving care. ANNIE follows Maria to Mrs. Wolf’s cubicle. ANNIE How’re you doing Francis? MRS. WOLF (Surprisingly assertive) I am Mrs. Wolf to you! ANNIE Sorry Mrs. Wolf. MRS. WOLF I want to go home. ANNIE You shouldn't go till the heat's fixed in your apartment. And you should not be alone. MRS. WOLF Since Bernie died…I am alone. All alone. ANNIE Stay here a little while. For tests. We can notify your family. 30 MRS. WOLF Dead. All dead. ANNIE I' 11 see what I can do to get you a room. Now how about a cup of tea? MRS. WOLF Softening me up, are you? ANNIE You get the tea Maria. I'm not sending you home tonight Mrs. Wolf. I want to keep you safe. NURSE MARIA OK…Almost forgot. The neighbor gave me Mrs. Wolf's purse. She’s still in the Waiting Room. As ANNIE takes the purse, she collides with a passing gurney. She drops the purse. It opens on impact. ANNIE kneels to retrieve the contents. She notices a photo of a much younger Mrs. Wolf, a man and a pretty girl in cap and gown. The back of the photo reads… ANNIE (Aloud to herself) Ellen — graduation — 1968 ANNIE puts the photo and content back into the purse. Then, for the crowded Waiting Room where the Neighbor waits. ANNIE (cont.) Here’s an update on Mrs. Wolf. NEIGHBOR She gonna live? 31 ANNIE I've arranged for Mrs. Wolf to be admitted. We' 11 run some tests while her Building Superintendent gets those pipes fixed. I'11 contact social services in the morning. By the way do you know Ellen? NEIGHBOR She's her daughter. Mrs. Wolf says she’s dead. ANNIE That's too bad. NEIGHBOR Well that's what she says. But once when Bernard, her husband, was sick…I heard Mrs. Wolf say "Let’s call Ellen. He says "No. She's dead to us. Poor Mrs. Wolf. What’s gonna happen to her? ANNIE is at loss for an answer. She heads for the Code Room where HELEN prays by the sheet—wrapped body of John Lennon. HELEN Eternal rest grant unto him, O' Lord And let the perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace... ANNIE Amen. All John was saying was "Give peace a chance.” And this happens! Senseless murder! Why? 32 HELEN People have been asking that question since Cain knocked off Abel. Actually, I was looking for you. The Medical Examiner called again. He says have John’s body unwrapped and his belongings bagged. As HELEN starts removing LENNON'S sheeting…ANNIE looks under the table... ANNIE (Panic) The bag! His belongings. They’re not here. HELEN John’s clothes ? ANNIE They’re lost! HELEN No! Just someplace else. ANNIE Someplace is not here. I’ll ask Dr. Flores. You check with Cameron. I hate that bastard. HELEN Boy, he still gets to you. Yes I’ll ask Cameron and get Sgt Mendoza looking too. And…it wouldn't hurt to ask St. Anthony's help... ANNIE Saint who? HELEN St. Anthony. Never heard of him? 33 ANNIE My stepfather founded a church in Georgia. Valley of Hope. We didn’t have saints. Only snakes. HELEN Well we promise a donation for charity and St. Anthony helps us find what's lost. ANNIE I'11 try anything. (Eyes heavenward) Ten bucks, St. Anthony. Please find the bag fast. ANNIE searches every room and cubicle. Looks in trash containers and in elevators. She enters the cafeteria and searches under tables. Her panic explodes when she sees DETECTIVE HOGAN and another cop are on the far side of the room deep in conversation. Desperate not to be seen…ANNIE sneaks out She races to her office. SFX THE DESK PHONE RINGS. ANNIE (Into phone) Roling here. PUBLISHER We're prepared to give you a quarter of a million for that ER report. ANNIE (yells in rage) A quarter of a million? You bastard! PUBLISHER Okay... Half a mil…. ANNIE slams the phone down as CAMERON enters. 34 DR.CAMERON Did you actually lose Lennon's clothes? ANNIE The bag wasn't where I thought… DR.CAMERON (OVER) Then it's lost. ANNIE Nothing's lost. Just someplace else. DR. CAMERON It's evidence for Chrissake! You can't lie your way out of this like you lied to me. ANNIE I didn’t lie. Just didn’t tell you about Rosie because… DR.CAMERON (OVER) Everyone else in this goddamn hospital knew you had a kid. Except me. ANNIE I was afraid of losing you. DR. CAMERON You mean losing your meal ticket. Hook the Resident on his way up. Doctors make great catches. ANNIE (enraged, loudly) You damn egotistical fool… DR.CAMERON Lower your voice. They can hear you at Columbus Circle. 35 ANNIE Look, we have to work together. So please, please just keep out of my way. Annie’s phone rings. ANNIE (cont.) I’m coming up. SLAMS PHONE DOWN Annie leaves DAN CAMERON steaming. He takes a deep breath to gain composure…then notices the framed pictures of ROSIE on the wall. CAMERON (Deeply moved) So Rose…we finally meet. Choking back her emotions…ANNIE emerges from the elevator to the fifth floor and heads for the Nurses Station. FIFTH FLOOR NURSE Miss Roling! I remember you from Social Services. ANNIE What can I do for you. FIFTH FLOOR NURSE (tense) It’s the GRID patient. He has pneumonia. Collapsed lung. The Doctor says it's a matter of hours. The guy’s girlfriend asked for you. ANNIE enters the GRID patient's room. GIRLFRIEND Ms. Roling, Billy and I want to get married. Can you get us a priest? 36 ANNIE It's not that simple. You need a license. It takes time. GIRLFRIEND But we‘re out of time. BILLY (GASP) It's now or never. ANNIE I’ll…yes Billy…I’ll try. "HEY JUDE" CAN BE HEARD FROM THE VAN SPEAKER OUTSIDE THE ANNIE leaves Billy’s room she sees MRS. WOLF being rolled into a nearby room. ANNIE Hi Mrs. Wolf. At least it's warm up here. MRS. WOLF But not so quiet for a hospital. What is that music? ANNIE They're playing Beatles songs outside because John Lennon died tonight. Was your daughter a Beatles fan? MRS. WOLF I have no daughter. ANNIE Ellen? MRS. WOLF (with a start) She's dead. ANNIE Is she really? MRS. WOLF Bernie said she's dead to us. 37 ANNIE Whatever happened between you and Ellen…it was long ago. You need her now. MRS. WOLF She wouldn’t come. ANNIE You can't be sure. MRS. WOLF She was a good girl till she met that Peter Molino. We tried to warn her. ANNIE Was he really so bad? MRS. WOLF Worse! My husband hired a private investigator. He found out the man spent two years in a reformatory for theft. Then, he was picked up for marijuana. Bernie laid down the law. "Give the bum up or you're dead to us." "Don't bother sending flowers,” Ellen said. Then she walked out. For a while she sent cards. Bernie tore them up. But ‘dead’ or not I never forgot my daughter. All I could do… all I can do… is pray for her. Maybe you could find her? ANNIE It’s worth a try. Now get some sleep Mrs. Wolf. MRS. WOLF You have children Mrs. Roling? ANNIE A daughter. 38 MR WOLF Are you close? ANNIE Yes. MRS. WOLF And your mother? Are you close to her? ANNIE I was. When I was growing up. Mostly Mom and I waited in hotel rooms for my father. He was an undercover FBI Agent. Sometimes he'd show up in the middle of the night. We never ANNIE (cont.) knew when or if we’d ever see him again. Then one night he left and didn’t come back. MRS. WOLF But you turned out okay. You have a nice husband? ANNIE I’d rather not talk about me. MRS. WOLF Sorry. ANNIE Get under the blanket, Mrs. Wolf. You’re shivering. MRS. WOLF Someone's walking on my grave. SFX CHRISTMAS MUSIC - “Let it Snow” THE HOSPITAL LOBBY is "media—packed" with journalists, photographers, boom mikes, cameras THE agitated CUB REPORTER sees Annie. 39 CUB REPORTER Can I go back to the ER for my story? ANNIE No way! CUB REPORTER Fuck you! I want a divorce ANNIE Talk to my lawyer. ANNIE pushes past the CUB REPORTER and approaches the LAWYER who dozes on the floor. ANNIE Wake up! Wake up O'Hara! LAWYER (Coming to with a start) Wha….You found it? ANNIE Haven't had a minute to look. LAWYER (Panics) In a few hours my client will be on trial for his life. ANNIE (Interrupting) In a few hours my client will be dead. LAWYER Huh? ANNIE I need your help. Then I’ll help you. LAWYER What are you talking about? 40 ANNIE A dying man who's last wish is to be married. LAWYER What the hell am I supposed to do? ANNIE Get a marriage license issued. LAWYER If you think I can do that…you're the one from another planet. ANNIE Any guy who’d show up in the Emergency Room in the middle of the night that John Lennon died and expect special treatment has the chutzpa to get this job done. Call in every chit! Pull every chain! I’ll get the Priest. We meet in Room 520 at 6:00 AM. LAWYER That’s less than three hours from now! You're crazy! ANNIE Quid Pro Quo counselor! You do want that ER file for your client? LAWYER Yeah…yeah. ANNIE I'11 sweeten the deal. You can be Best Man. HURRYING FROM THE LOBBY TO THE ER CORRIDOR... ANNIE bumps into MARIA. 41 ANNIE I need to commandeer you Maria. Check the ER files and the Record Room for this guy - Edward Bowen. NURSE MARIA Records are locked up for the night. ANNIE Get Security to open the room. If they give you grief…page me. ANNIE continues to her office, sits on the edge of her desk while NOWHERE in a hospital gown sleeps on her chair. She reaches for the phone. dialing 411 ANNIE Information? Connect me with your supervisor. SUPERVISOR May I help you? ANNIE I’m calling from Roosevelt Hospital. I’m trying to find the number for an Ellen Wolf. W O L F or a Peter Molino. Try Ellen Molino. Somewhere in the Metro—New York area. Hold on. There's another call coming through. (Clicks over) Hello... ? PUBLISHER You 're tough, Lady. We '11 give you $600,000 thousand. That's our last offer... ANNIE Thank God ! 42 ANNIE clicks back over to the SUPERVISOR. ANNIE (cont.) Sorry Operator. You have those numbers? (PAUSE) No Ellen? Yeah…give them to me. Annie quickly writes down a series of phone numbers as Helen enters. ANNIE (cont.) Thanks Operator. HELEN Annie, the Chief here ANNIE What if he asks about the clothes? St. Anthony never found them. HELEN Now you need Jude, too. ANNIE "Hey Jude”? HELEN Saint Jude. Patron of hopeless causes. IN THE CODE ROOM… the CHIEF MEDICAL EXAMINER is completing his examination of JOHN'S body. ANNIE and HELEN enter MEDICAL EXAMINER Are you Ms. Roling? ANNIE Yes. MEDICAL EXAMINER Wrap Mr. Lennon up. You can send him to the morgue now. 43 ANNIE I'11 call Bellevue right away. But first please sign these papers. MEDICAL EXAMINER My, my, you are efficient. Oh, one more thing. Lennon's clothes. Very important evidence. So give them to the police. ANNIE Yes…of course. No problem. MEDICAL EXAMINER Goodnight ladies. The M.E. exits. HELEN No problem? Are you nuts? ANNIE Yes. Take my last twenty, St. Anthony. But find the bag! And there’s ten in it for you Jude. NURSE MARIA (To ANNIE) I thought I’d find you here Ms. Roling. You have a call from England. Julian Lennon. ANNIE I’ll take it in my office. As Annie hurries down the hall, DAN CAMERON sidles up to HELEN. DR. CAMERON She find Lennon’s things yet? HELEN Can you cut Annie some slack? 44 DR. CAMERON No. I know her too well. HELEN Do you? Do you know she studied 8 years at night to get her degree? Came straight from the University to mop floors here until dawn. Meanwhile, raising her baby by herself. In a one room hell-hole. DR.CAMERON She never told me. HELEN Because she didn’t think you wanted more than a quickie from her. The poor kid was so beaten down by life. Why would she share her personal struggle with a pompous prick like you. IN HER OFFICE ANNIE ends her conversation with Julian Lennon. Consulting her notes, she dials . OPERATOR RECORDING You have reached a number that is no longer in service. ANNIE If at first you don’t succeed… ANNIE dials a second number. VOICE (half sleep) Whaaa ? ANNIE Is this Peter Molino? MAN You fuckin crazy callin' at this hour! 45 ANNIE quickly hangs up. Then dials a third number. The call is answered ANNIE Is this Peter Molino? MOLINO Yeah... who is this? ANNIE My name is Annie Roling. I'm the Emergency Room Administrator at Roosevelt Hospital in Manhattan. I’m trying to reach Ellen Molino. MOLINO (protectively) Why? ELLEN (voice in background) Who is it Pete? ANNIE We've admitted Ellen’s mother, Mrs. Wolf. She needs her help. MOLINO Where the devil was Mrs. Wolf when my wife needed her? ELLEN Tell them I don't want anything to do with my parents. ANNIE You don t understand! ELLEN I don’t need their blessing or their money. Hang up Pete. Just hang up! DISCONNECT _ DIAL TONE 46 ANNIE is disappointed. HELEN appears at her door. MARIA is right behind her. HELEN We're ready to move Lennon out as soon as the morgue van gets here. 1'11 find HOGAN. ANNIE John’s clothes. They're still lost. HELEN Nothing is ever lost. They're still someplace else. NURSE MARIA Ms. Roling. I looked through files and records. Nothing on Ed Bowen! It must be lost. ANNIE No…it’s someplace else. IN THE PRE—DAWN LIGHT crowds still press around the hospital. BUT the van stops playing BEATLES music. HELEN finds an exhausted ANNIE still searching for the bag of Lennon’s clothes. HELEN Bellevue called. The morgue van is on its way. We’re going to have to report the missing evidence. ANNIE What can they do? Fire me? (Louder, losing it) Who cares? HELEN I thought you’d gotten past this "who cares" shit. 47 ANNIE I’ve joined the inmates in this asylum. I don’t need this job. HELEN I think you do! You like making things better for others. ANNIE Big time enabler that’s me alright. HELEN You're an intelligent, caring woman who sees a problem and cuts through the crap to find a solution. ANNIE For other people. But I can't even make my own daughter happy. I’m a total screw up. HELEN How old is your girl? ANNIE Twelve. HELEN Give her twenty years, she'11 change her mind. ANNIE Will she? After the mess I've made of my life. You must’ve heard about Cameron and me. HELEN I took it with a grain of salt. And everyone knows he's a prick. ANNIE You're just saying that... 48 HELEN He's a fine Doctor, but a prick! Think about it. How can a graduate of Harvard Medical…with a fiancé who uses a bidet…understand people from P.S. 42? ANNIE (Confused) I didn't go to PS 42? HELEN I did. ANNIE Don't let me off the hook Helen. I misplaced critica1 evidence in the most sensational, horrible murder of the century. HELEN That is a problem. Got to run. SFX: DESK PHONE RINGS PRIEST This is Father Burke. ANNIE Thanks so much for returning my call at this unGodly hour. Excuse my language. But could you perform a wedding at Roosevelt Hospital? PRIEST When? ANNIE In about an hour. 49 PRIEST Bans have to be announced. Only the Bishop can wave them. ANNIE Could you wake him? It's really an emergency. The license has been taken care of. Well it will be. And we have the blood test. We just need you and God. as ANNIE hangs up. MARIA approaches. NURSE MARIA Are you sure this Bowen guy was treated here? ANNIE No. Given his boozed junkie brain. NURSE MARIA Then why am I searching? ANNIE Don't! Forget the file. NURSE MARIA (Laughing) OK. But you gotta see what Nowhere’s doing. ANNIE sees the bare ass of NOWHERE as he parades down the hall. ANNIE Hey ! Hey ! Nowhere you can't moon around here. Stop! Stop! Don’t you hear me? NOWHERE (matter—of—factly educated English) Do you speak French? 50 ANNIE (Shocked) No! NOWHERE MAN Then I can't hear you. ANNIE You don't have to hear me. Just listen. You're not going anywhere in that birthday suit. We have a dress code in ER. If I have to wear this white coat, you have to wear.. something. ANNIE opens a hall closet. She sees a row of neatly pressed uniforms. AND a tuxedo under plastic. NOWHERE reaches for the tux. A pair of black Gucci men’s dress shoes catch his eye. ANNIE We'11 find something more suitable in Lost and Found. Maria, please take Nowhere. Find something less formal. ANNIE RETURNS TO HER OFFICE... the phone is ringing. BEN How're you doing Annie? ANNIE It’s a madhouse. I'm a mess. BEN I’11 rescue you. You don’t need this. ANNIE Not that simple. ANNIE hangs up. 51 SFX: PHONE RINGS ANNIE (Distracted - Wearily) This is…whoever. DRIVER It’s the Morgue Van from Bellevue. The E.R. ramp is blocked. What am I supposed to do…pick the body up on the roof? ANNIE Go round the block a few times. I’ll think of something. ANNIE moves aside as a Custodian enters her office and empties her office trash basket into a large rolling garbage pail. She follows the Custodian as he goes from room to room collecting trash. CAMERON observes the strange duo. HELEN comes alongside. CAMERON What’s she up to now Helen? HELEN You know Cameron…Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That’s why we call it the present. Make the most of it. Could be a second chance. At least to be friends. CAMERON Ya’ think? ANNIE follows THE CUSTODIAN to the Supply Loading DOCK He deposits the trash into a dumpster. She notes that an INNER and OUTER massive metal door blocks this loading area from the street. ANNIE Eureka! I’ve got the answer. 52 Minutes later SGT. MENDOZA stands with Annie as the outer loading dock door rumbles open. The morgue van backs in. ANNIE (To SGT. MENDOZA) Okay Sergeant Mendoza...let's get Mr. Lennon. DAN CAMERON and HELEN roll the gurney with John's sheet— wrapped body through the corridor. Nurses, doctors and staff stand in silent respect. DETECTIVE HOGAN follows the cortege to the Loading Dock. Annie lightly touches John’s head. ANNIE I wish we could've done more for you. DR.CAMERON Amen to that. The DRIVER checks the documents on his clipboard as SGT.MENDOZA and HOGAN load the body into the Morgue Van. ANNIE (Scared) One more thing. DETECTIVE Hogan…about Lennon's clothes. HOGAN pulls the bag of Lennon’s bloodied clothes from under his jacket. DETECTIVE HOGAN Never let it out of my sight. Not even when I went for coffee. And guess what? ANNIE I'm afraid to... DR. CAMERON We found the missing bullet! It was stuck in John's jacket lining. 53 ANNIE (Joyful relief) Right on! And St. Anthony I owe you thirty bucks for charity. Plus ten for Jude. Driver we’re good to go! DRIVER Not so fast. ANNIE What is it? DRIVER My orders are to pick up two bodies. Here it is in black and white. Says John Lennon AND John Doe... ANNIE (At the top of her lungs) Maria! Get John Doe! He’s in our hospital morgue. Marked “Unidentified.” AND I'm betting…you’ll find the boozer’s missing file marked “unidentified” too.. NURSE MARIA How much are you betting? ANNIE A wedding. But first things first. The Van doors close and the two Johns are driven off to the Morgue. Photographers and press pursue the van down the street. Police disperse the heartbroken crowd. With a sense of completion, ANNIE closes the giant loading dock door. She turns to find CAMERON staring at her. 54 ANNIE What? DR. CAMERON (With admiration) Great job for a rookie. With her remaining strength ANNIE joins MARIA in the Record Room. She quickly locates Edward Bowen’s file. ANNIE Take this to his lawyer - Ted O’Hara He’s in the lobby by the clock. Tell him to meet me in the GRID patient’s room. But first I’m needed… THE WAITING ROOM is still crowded. ANNIE enters. The TRIAGE NURSE points to a couple standing stiffly. ANNIE Want to see me? PETER I'm Peter Molino, Mrs. Roling. This is my wife, Ellen. ANNIE Mrs. Wolf's family! I'm so glad you came. ELLEN Peter insisted. He said my mother needed me. I never wanted their money. They thought by leaving me out of the Will I'd give Pete up. Not in a million years. You can tell my father. ANNIE Ellen, your father is dead. ELLEN When? 55 ANNIE Three years ago. There's no money left. This is about what you and what your mother once had. Can you forgive her? She has nothing. PETER Nothing? Mrs. Wolf has a daughter and a son—in—law ready to help... And two grandsons. ELLEN (Afraid) But Mama said I was dead to her. ANNIE She told me not a day goes by that she doesn't think of you. You’re always in her prayers. ANNIE leads ELLEN and PETER to MRS.WOLF. ELLEN Mama? MRS. WOLF Ellen! Thanks be to God you came. Annie crosses the hall to the GRID patient. The PRIEST stands at the foot of Billy’s bed. Maureen stands beside her dying sweetheart. The LAWYER hands the marriage license to the PRIEST. ANNIE hands the LAWYER Edward Bowen's file. ANNIE Quid pro quo counselor ! Then, LAWYER and ANNIE take their places as witnesses... 56 PRIEST We are gathered here in the sight of God and man to join William Henry Smith and Maureen Donovan in Holy Matrimony. ANNIE heads back to her office AND is stunned to see... ANNIE Ben! BEN Got Rosie off to school. Grab your coat. We're outta here. ANNIE No way. My official first day starts in an hour. BEN You're not serious? ANNIE This is my job. BEN Get another job. ANNIE This isn't just any old job. So much is happening here. BEN Bad things. Like Lennon dying... ANNIE Good things. Like everything was done to try to save him. And I was here to help. I helped a lot of people tonight Ben. BEN Doesn't sound like you're giving notice. 57 ANNIE I'm not. BEN Doesn’t sound like you're marrying me. ANNIE Rosie wants a Dad, I know. And you'd make a terrific father. But in a few years she'll be all grown up. She’ll have a life of her own. And this is the life I want for myself. Oh Ben, it took so much to get here. I struggled for that title on the door. I've earned it. I'm so sorry Ben. BEN I’m not giving up on us. ANNIE watches as BEN hurries down the corridor and exits the E.R. THEN She turns and sees DAN CAMERON opening the closet as NOWHERE shuffles past him in ANNIE’s direction. ANNIE It’s check-out time Nowhere. NOWHERE MAN continues down the hall as CAMERON realizes something is missing in the closet. He looks for his shoes and comes up with NOWHERE’s shabby sneakers… CAMERON drops them like a hot potato. ANNIE realizes NOWHERE is wearing the DOCTOR'S dress shoes. Fearful CAMERON will see his Guccis, ANNIE plants herself between the DOCTOR and NOWHERE. ANNIE Nowhere wait! I owe St. Anthony this reward money. He'd want you to have it, I'm sure. 58 NOWHERE takes the money and continues to the E.R. exit. Unaware his black dress shoes have departed without him, DR. CAMERON, slings the tux garment bag over his shoulder and heads back toward ANNIE. DR.CAMERON Annie! Remember the diner round the corner? ANNIE Where we had all those hot and heavy cups of coffee between shifts? DR. CAMERON I'm headed there for breakfast. Want to come? ANNIE I err…I have a lot to do. DR. CAMERON I'll get a table... just in case. ANNIE OK. Just in case. ANNIE's startled by a tap on her shoulder. It's DETECTIVE HOGAN. DETECTIVE HOGAN Good I caught you, Miss Roling. ANNIE Yes Hogan? HOGAN hands ANNIE a photo. 59 DETECTIVE HOGAN Someone must've taken this Polaroid at the Dakota…just before the shooting. After all you did for John…I think you should have it. ANNIE is profoundly moved as she stares at the photo of JOHN LENNON. He’s getting out of his limo in front of the Dakota. ANNIE John is smiling. FADE OUT